A Black Scarf

by T-Ö Erdenetsogt, translated from the Mongolian by Simon Wickham-Smith



Your black scarf,

Against the winter’s snow.

Your loving mind

Embraces ancient riches.

Like an elegant, fanshaped butterfly,

Flying into every flame,

This lovely young girl of mine

Is taken in by flattering words.

Do not put on your black scarf,

Like dreams of deep wine.

Get away from loving minds,

Don’t look so sweet in that black wrap!



T ERDENETSOGT was born in Sükhbaatar province, Mongolia, in 1971 and graduated from Bers College of Film Studies.  He worked as an editor for Mongolian National Television and has published two books of poetry.  Erdenetsogt is currently head of Bishübi, an organisation promoting contemporary Mongolian poets, and is a member of the Mongolian Freelance Writers’ Union.  Since 2007 he has lived in Dublin, Éire, with his wife and daughter.